Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why does Obama think he should control the temperature of our houses?

how un-American is that?Why does Obama think he should control the temperature of our houses?
If it isn't obvious by now Senator Obama hates this country and its people. He looks down his Arabic nose at us and casts judgement on the people he wants to lead. If I didn't know any better I would have to assume he is trying to get shot by some ultrapatriotic redneck.Why does Obama think he should control the temperature of our houses?
He's a typical liberal. They honestly believe they and the government should control each and every aspect of our lives, from healthcare to home temperatures to what and where we drive, to trans fats, to smoking, to gun ownership, to salaries, to what we listen to on the radio, to how we raise our children, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

Edit to add: Agnes--how I live my life free from government control and direction IS an issue for me, genius.
Because its' his job to control the temperature in your house.In fact that is all that he thinks about.He spends sleepless nights trying to figure out new ways to control the temperature in your house.He was born to control this temperature.
The idea is that to prevent a blackout, the utilities would have the power to reduce everyone's demand a little bit. Wouldn't you rather be a little hot or cold than have a blackout?
Years ago, President Carter asked us to lower our thermostats to 68 in the winter and raise them to 80 in the summer to save energy. I am not sure if I want the government to control it for me.
Either you are very young, or you are very unaware of recent history?
He isn't an American that is where you don't understand. He wants to destroy America.
If you are a pro-Obama troll trying to make the anti-Obama camp look silly, you are doing a good job.
Obama tells us to turn down the heat, and to not talk about his wife...

In other words:

Shut up and freeze !!

Is that presidential ?
Do you realize that the price of oil will break down the economy if nothing is done to control excessive use of it?
LOL Both parties want to control what goes on in the privacy of your home. Just different topics.

How UnAmerican is that?

EDIT: Or you could just lie to yourself and live in ignorance as apparently most of you do.

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