Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It's really hot out and my ac is broken! Will the heat of room temperature affect my birth control pills?

will it?It's really hot out and my ac is broken! Will the heat of room temperature affect my birth control pills?
No, they'll be fineIt's really hot out and my ac is broken! Will the heat of room temperature affect my birth control pills?
I think it's just sunlight that does it. Does it have a max temp on the packet? If so, do you know the temperature?

If the temp is over call a pharmacy and ask if they can be put in the fridge, otherwise just look for a really out of the way place to put them that will be cool.
No. They should stay in room temperature, but unless it's over 100 degrees in your room, they won't be affected at all. You just shouldn't leave them in a car in the middle of the summer all day.
No, they won't. But stop using birth control pills and making male minnows pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!鈥?... Just for your slutty picture and your pleasure.

^.~ Just an opinion.
It depends on how hot it gets. You can always put them in the fridge.
Yes. You shouldn't have sex untill you can get new pills.
r u trying to be funny?

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